1. A person who is such a massive twat that they more accurately ressemble a big, quivvering sack of twats.
2. A womans pants.
2. A womans pants.
1. 'What's happened Tom? I thought you and Claire were talking again?'
'Well thats right, we were. Until, that was, she unintentionally reminded me of what a complete fucking twatsack she really is.'
2. 'I tell you what Tim, have you got any babywipes? I've been stomping so hard in that sweaty mosh I really should have planned ahead and brought some clean twatsacks with me. They're kicking out right offensive mate.'
'Well thats right, we were. Until, that was, she unintentionally reminded me of what a complete fucking twatsack she really is.'
2. 'I tell you what Tim, have you got any babywipes? I've been stomping so hard in that sweaty mosh I really should have planned ahead and brought some clean twatsacks with me. They're kicking out right offensive mate.'