

俚语 tweakinating


A form of the word tweaking people use when they wanna sound sophisticated when surrounded with dumb mfs who're tweaking.
This mf been waffling on how he not addicted n then 5 mins without it he spazzing on the floor he tweakinating.

Tweakin tweakin

To be higher than the space like out of this world
Girl I’m tweakin tweakin!!
Man I just got done smoking and now I’m tweakin😂


The act of not making sense or saying stupid shit
* gorgeous girl says she’s ugly*
“Nah you tweakin”


Tweakin: meaning saying something that doesn’t make sense or is irrelevant
Bro you tweakin rN you sound dumb asf


when someone bugs out ( over does it in reacting) or is against what ever someone says,

when someone says or does something so off the wall they look or sound stupid
random kid: Yo my mom was tweakin on me cause i came in late


1.To be high on stimulants like Meth or coke.
2.To work obsessively or compulsively on something.
3.To adjust something.
4.To be way wrong about something
1.He did 4 fat ass lines, hes tweakin hard
2.I was tweakin on my room for like 4 hours
3.I was just Tweakin the carb on my truck
4.you think the Boston Celtics are the best team ever..man your tweakin.


Somebody that is making no damn sense.
"Man that fat girl kinda bad cuh""Hell naw yo ahh Tweakin."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:30:28