

俚语 tweet twat

Tweet Twat

A person who tweets way to much, usually about boring or every day activities that noone cares about
joe: yo did you follow that hot girl on twitter yet?
joe#2:yea dude, she tweets so much, like every 36 seconds. its so annoying.
joe: wow sounds like shes a tweet twat

Twat Tweet

A random nude picture, commonly sent through social media, that displays all or some genitalia.
"You know you can trust me with some twat tweets baby!"


Person 1: "Did you see the pic James got at 4am last night?"

Person 2: "Ya, that was one nice twat tweet."


A female who twitters hateful, or drama causing statements on the Twitter network.
Sheila is such a tweet-twat she is always talking shit on my page.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:16:04