

俚语 twirlbag


an action taken in competitive multiplayer video games wherein the victor of a violent encounter crouches, points his weapon directly vertically and spins in one direction or both alternately.

The twirlbag is a form of teabagging, and similarly suggests an assertion of dominance by way of the winner's testicles being placed into the victim's mouth. In the case of a twirlbag, however, the testes are spun about inside of the mouth cavity.
Hadermann: Ack, that bastard got me with a shotgun. Aw man, he's teabagging me!
Growley: That's alright, I just twirlbagged their team leader. I spun like fifteen times and he had to watch the whole thing because that was his last death of the round.
Hadermann: Thanks, man.




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