N.- A religion focused on the benefits of being committed to something in short bursts at your own pace and not one dictated by society. Just as in Twitter, you limit yourself to only what’s important.
John: Dude, what's up with you lately? Why are you so happy?
Ben: Ever since I started following Twitteranity, I don't have time to be mad. It's just one good thing after another.
Ben: Ever since I started following Twitteranity, I don't have time to be mad. It's just one good thing after another.
A Twitteran can be 1 of 2 things those two things being a Stereotypical Twitter User who typically tries to, cancel anything they dislike as sexist raceist or transphobic, tries to argue about littary anything, and logic usually just doesn't make sense. The 2nd Version Is Somone Who just averagely Uses Twitter Like a Normal person not doing anything from the previous definition
Definiton 1: The Twitterans are trying to cancel another thing.
Definition 2: Jeff's kinda a Twitteran who uses it quite alot
Definition 2: Jeff's kinda a Twitteran who uses it quite alot