

俚语 twitterbator


One who derives satisfaction from stroking their ego via excessive tweeting.
Johnny's a SERIOUS twitterbator, the guy tweets constantly.


The act of using Twitter excessively - often in a vain attempt to manufacture an alternative reality out of narcissism - to the detriment of one's health and social status.
"Why can't he stop twitterbating? Not even his Mother cares enough about him to read this garbage."


Twitterbation (noun) An act of social masturbation in which one retweets trivial @replies directed toward one's self that offer no apparent benefit to one's social status.
Accounts for approximately 98% of posts on twitter.com.

Related forms:
twitt-er-bate - to engage in twitterbation
twitt-er-ba-tor - one who engages in incessant twitterbation
twitt-er-ba-to-ry - a twitter post that displays the fundamental qualities of twitterbation
"Have you been reading Greg's retweets lately? He's been blowing his @reply load all over the place!"
"Indeed, Carla. It seems to be a classic case of Twitterbation."

Every time you twitterbate, God kills a bird.


Twitterbate (verb) - To use Twitter.com in a manner that is fast-paced; constantly clicking, tweeting, adding friends, replying, and so forth. The user tends to have feelings of excitement, anxiety, or tension and usually yearns in real-time for the next action from the tweet community by staring at the auto-refresh of the internet browser.
Twitterbation Twitterbating
The twitter community is buzzing today. Everyone's tweeting with the news. I'm sure I'll twitterbate all morning.


1. To follow oneself on the network site 'Twitter'

This phrase is coined by BellaFlan, the most awesomest FanFic writer ever
BellaFlan: Twitter just suggested I follow myself. isn't that like masturbation?
My Thoughts: No, its TWITTERbation.


Public self gratification via social media. Tweeting to tell others about your accomplishments and "stroke" your own ego. Proceeded with a "#" when used in social media.
Donald Trump regularly practices #Twitterbation to try and validate his existence.


(v) To tweet one's self. To send one's self tweets on Twitter.

(n) Twitterbation
@SoccerMom1979 Twitterbated by sending the following tweet to herself: "@SoccerMom1979 Don't forget to pick up the kids!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:16:32