

俚语 bitch piss

Bitch Piss

A girl's drink.
Bacardi Breezers??! I'm not drinking that disgusting bitch piss.

Bitch Piss

A fruity flavoured alcoholic beverage consumed by women and females.
"all jon drinks is bitch piss and archers-lemonade! wot a woman!"

Bitch piss

A bitch piss is when you have the urgent sensation to urinate and when you finally do, only a small amount of urine is released.
Dude I was in an important meeting that I could not leave, when it was over I rushed to the restroom and only took a bitch piss.

bitch piss

a tasty tasting beverage for your own pet doggy,also a term for weak lager
Kimmy,will you stop polishing all that bitch piss up off the beach and......that beers like bitch piss....Making love in a canoo,fOOkin close to water!..

piss bitch bastard

n: someone who gets drunk, passes out and pisses his/her pants.
Jesus, Megan is such a piss bitch bastard!

Neon piss-bitch

An eccentric and overvalued person that is always the one at fault for any incident.
People dont realize that lyndsi ruins everything, like a real neon piss-bitch.

Cocksucking, Whorehousing, Piss-Bitch-Motherfucker

The greatest swear of all time, hand crafted by a rural dad in the midwest circa 1994.
(Dad cracks his toe on doorframe and proceeds to bounce on one foot and howl) "Cocksucking, whorehousing, piss-bitch-motherfucker!"




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