tyrannosaurus rekt
This is used when simply saying "rekt" (shortened from of "wrecked") will not do. If you think someone has just delivered the world's sickest burn, this is the word to use. If you are an annoying twelve-year-old who has just gotten an extremely lucky kill in Call of Duty, this is what you say (see below).
Xxx_cooldude58_xxX: Just 420 noscoped you midair m8, tyrannosaurus rekt!
Tyrannosaurus Rekt
When someone gets counter insulted so bad they have to delete their social media.
Internet dude 1: "Lebron never flops"
Internet dude 2: "Lebron flops worse than Hilary's presedential run"
Internet dude 3: "Dang internet dude 2, you just got Tyrannosaurus rekt!"
Internet dude 2: "Lebron flops worse than Hilary's presedential run"
Internet dude 3: "Dang internet dude 2, you just got Tyrannosaurus rekt!"