A Tzutai is a Male name and is very uncommon. A Tzutai is very kind, loving and loves music music. A Tzutai has so much love for someone he would risk his own life to save a friend or a loved one. If you are lucky to be engaged with a Tzutai, they will do whatever you want whether it's buying items to having sex. Though not having the best appearance a Tzutai does not care about its fashion or style, it only cares what it loves for. A Tzutai does not like to brag about how good they are or how good they will be, they always see someone superior besides themself, So if you are any friends or relationship with a Tzutai, make sure that relationship is strong, because if your not in a relationship at all, you made the biggest mistake in your life. Tzutai's will aways try not to swear so they can make the mood natural and loving. Tzutai's will also act like a complete weirdo like dancing around. The kindness of a Tzutai is far past a god. Tzutai's are people that show the world what kindness should really be.
Wow look at that weird Tzutai over there