

俚语 ubered


To be massively conned into thinking you booked a taxi, but actually get a clueless gimp charging you silly money.
"Got proper ripped off last night. Driver lost & cost me £150!"

"Looks like you was ubered!"


To go out with the intention to get helplessly drunk and then driven home by a person whom you have never met.
I am going to get Ubered tonight.


Derived from the word Uber;
This word means to beat someone in any game without them barely having a chance at winning.
Wtf dude are you hacking?
No, I just Ubered you.


Job or business becomes non relevant due to new technology.
I got ubered when company installed robot to assemble the widgit.


To be completely and utterly 'blind-sided' by a competitor or underdog (in business or socially)
(ie: To do to someone else what Uber did to the Taxi Cab industry)
Hotels are getting ubered by Air-BNB.
I just got ubered.
Those guys better look out, they're about to get ubered.


When a person goes out with you or becomes your freind just to get free rides. Even thoe they don't like you at all.
Oh shit bro my freind Austin got ubered by this chick what a hoe


Getting overly inebriated since you are being responsible and using uber to get home safely.
I got so ubered last night I could barely get out of bed this morn...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:36:46