

俚语 uberlicious


High and godly, above all
She is so uberlicious!


even more uber then uber. (see "uber")
that is so uberliciously cool.


so uber it makes me want to shit myself
i am going to shit myself


A delightfully delicious example of an outstanding person or thing.
She was utterly uberlicious, radiating beauty, health and confidence from the inside out.

Uberlicious Girl

Noun: The most beautiful girl one can come across. An Uberlicious girl is that special someone that warms your heart and tickles your soul no matter what. One will grow fond of her because she is genuine and true to herself.
I met the most Uberlicious girl on December 18, and ever since I feel ontop of the world.

uberlicious goblin

when someone thinks they have everything and wants to show off but really there just a bitch
Wow Jenny such an uberlicious goblin




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:49:39