Can also be said as ubernoob. It is a noob who thinks they are the best, and acts like a know it all when they know nothing. Often talks in 1337 (computer geek lingo) and calls people with scores way better than theirs, a noob.
Also a mixture between uber and noob
Also a mixture between uber and noob
(scores, dave-150, ubern00b-1
ubern00b- 0h 1 ju57 pwn3d j00, j00 n00b, joo 4r3 73h suxor(translate= I just killed you for the first timeeven though you killed me 150 times, so therefor you suck an are a n00b)
Dave-stfu you ubern00b
ubern00b- 0h 1 ju57 pwn3d j00, j00 n00b, joo 4r3 73h suxor(translate= I just killed you for the first timeeven though you killed me 150 times, so therefor you suck an are a n00b)
Dave-stfu you ubern00b