

俚语 bitchtit

bitch tits

Male breats(man-boobs) are called Bitch titts
Bob has bitch titts
damn that chubber gotta get himself fitted for a bra

bitch tits

massive man breasts which may require the use of a bra.
A:"Yo...who's that fat shit over there..with the huge bitch tits?"
B:"Man..thats TJ bro"

bitch tits

when a steroid users nipples become sensitive and supple like a woman's
yo bitch tits'

bitch tits

The nasty boobs you grow from eating too much fatttening foods. When you suffer from obesity you get moobs aka bitch tits. I kinda look like a woman from growing a set of bitch tits. Ladies tend to laugh at me for it and i have a hard time taking off my shirt.
i hate having bitch tits.

bitch tits

A word used to make fun of one of your friends, by belittling them. A bitch that usually has tits regardless of gender. Can be used in any opening statement such as a greeting, or as a method of retaliation to anyone that has made a harsh comment to thee. It is a widely used word in the North West side of Chicago.
What's up bitch tits?

Walker: You better cup this bag you vagina fingers.
Rodgers: Fuck you bitch tits, you're throwing off my game!

bitch tits

another word for manboobs. Manboobs are when a man has saggy titties and looks as if he has never entered the gym. His body probably looks 50 years older than his real age.

man i need to go to the gym and get rid of ma bitch tits!! pronto!!

bitch tits

The tits of a female dog.
My dog was barking so I kicked her in her bitch tits.




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