

俚语 ucky


Basically the London slang used for 'head' (uck/ucky)
Person 1: Oi fam did you know that Carrie gave bill ucky yesterday?
Person 2: woii, I didn't know she was a thot


A gross or disgusting situation or substance.
(out in the woods disc golfing right after it rained)

Wazula "Eww, its sooo... ucky out here."
Ace8904"hahahaha.... your a fag."

(true story)


to give head/blowjob
example: Tanita gave me mad uckie last night


Used to describe feces.
I have to get home quickly. I have to take a huge uckie.

I've had really bad uckie farts all day long.

An Uckie is a Yuckie.


Poop, Shit,
"This room smells like uckies"
"I have to go uckies"


the nasty scum and smell on your sponge after cleaning the week old dishes
Uckies make me want to vomit but then I would have to pick that up too.


This word is used interchangably (and equally effectively) as both a noun and an adjective. An "uck" or "ucky" is someone who is portraying more than the usual amount of maliciousness, selfishness, butt-headedness, or just down right stupidity. A person can be described as "ucky," but does not quite qualify for the "uck" status. "Ucky-bucky" is the epitome of uckiness.
noun: "Rachel has been such an uck lately...Katie also thinks she is a real ucky-bucky."

adjective: "I can't believe Rachel ate all the speghetti...that was so ucky of her!!"




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