The initials of a superb Music Video group, Urban Chaos Videos. They are pioneers of the music video ripping scene.
Bob: "Hey, did you see that UCV release of Slipknot - Spit It Out?"
Jim: "Yea, it's awesome, the quality is superb and the audio is absolutely fantastic! I downloaded it from their torrent which I think is a great way to distribute files!
Jim: "Yea, it's awesome, the quality is superb and the audio is absolutely fantastic! I downloaded it from their torrent which I think is a great way to distribute files!
The initials of a once superb Music video group, who have since fallen away with the likes of MV4U, and now those such as PRV & Videopimp Dominate the secene.
Bob: "Hey, did you see that UCV release of Britney spears - toxic?"
Jim: "Yea, that blew ass, not even (s)VCD, captured strait to MPEG1, Non-Digital Audio, and hosted on some Donated Webspace! What cheap fucks!"
Jim: "Yea, that blew ass, not even (s)VCD, captured strait to MPEG1, Non-Digital Audio, and hosted on some Donated Webspace! What cheap fucks!"