

俚语 ud whore

UD Whore

Someone who feels so insecure about themselves that they feel the need to add their name to the Urban Dictionary, listing a whole bunch of compliments.
Person 1: Hey look! I'm in the dictionary for real now! It says I am totally awesome!
Person 2: Maybe if you had real friends, you wouldn't need a dictionary to tell you they like you. UD Whore!

UD Whore

An idiot who has nothing better to do than to write burns about people or brag about the girlfriend they don't have on Urban Dictionary.
Person 1: Damn man, what the hell is with these idiots?

Person 2: What do you mean?

Person 1: UD Whores submitting another diss about someone.

UD Whore

someone ( usually female ) who sits on Urban Dictionary looking up funny things to later use when hanging out with friends.
Guy 1 : " she just said 5 things from Urban Dictionary in one sentence "

Guy 2 : " she must be a UD Whore."

ud whore

Short for Urban Dictionary Whore. Someone who spends every waking moment trying to add funny words to this site usually failing miserably.
Christ Jeff is such a ud whore.

UD name whore

An individual who only submits endless inside jokes about friends names to Urban dictionary
UB name whore individual: trixy is a blah blah blah with blah blah blah hair and...

The Urban dictionary community: OMG will u STFU and stop being a UD name whore?!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:34:51