uforo are naturally born with fame, leadership and authority.they carry everybody along.they are unique and have strong determination .they set their mind on anything they do and ready to give in their best. they have this ego of they can do anything ,they are strong headed and strong will beings .they like to get things done the right way ,they plan ahead which make them worry a lot, they are caring ,nice and loyal ,they are shy at some point and less emotional they choose how to react to every situation.they don't let their emotions get the better of them.the more you get close to them the more you realize how lucky you are. They are protective and supportive of the friends ,they don't joke with the people close to them , once they pick you to be their friend don't ruin it. Don't take advantage of their characteristics for their weakness, when you over ride them they study you for your weakness and strike, they always make room for a second chance even though they are hard at heart. You are indeeed lucky to have one as a friend .
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