

俚语 bitch with a dick

bitch with a dick

A guy that is a punk ass bitch.
Damn..He's a bitch with a dick!

bitch to the dick

1) another way of calling somebody gay. usually an extremely flamboyant gay man.

2) defining someone who easily caves in to demands; offering only token resistance before complying with somebody's wishes, such as a girlfrind/boyfriend, boss, or an asshole of a friend.
1) "Dude, did you see jim jumping up and down and screaming like a girl when he found out that olympic figure skater guy was coming to town? he's such a bitch to the dick."

2) " charlie acts all hard, but then his boss gives him the stare and asks him to get his coffee, and charlie just caves! He's acting like a bitch to the dick."

bitches on your dick

Something franklin needs to get
Nigga dont hate me cause im beautifull nigga mabye if you got rid of yo yee yee ass haircut you can get some bitches on your dick or better yet tanisha would call yo dog ass if she aint talkin to that brain surgeon or lawyer she fuckin with niiggaa

bitch had a dick

To find, often surprised, a penis on your partner. Many times a man will think another man is a woman, and find the penis. He then gags.
"I pulled down her pants and bitch had a dick!"

Bitches on my dick

means that tons of whores are on your STD dick...which is the size of two fries, some people use this saying when angry or horny
person one: theres so many bitches on my dick
person two: dude thats awesome, those whores know how to suck the nails out of you...

Bitches on my dick

When a bunch of girls are having sex with that nice penis of yours.
Finally, I got rid of my ol’ yee-yee ass haircut, so now I can get some bitches on my dick!

bitch call my dick

a phrase used while leaving a voicemail which imply that the person who was called needs to call or at least call back the person leaving the message. Otherwise the recipient would be a fool ass bitch.
Raven's voice mail message: I'm not able to get to my phone. You know what to do.

Tina: Girl, You will not believe that I am breakin' it down at this party with Diddy. He asked me to come along with his friends and he said I could invite you. Bitch call my dick!




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