

俚语 #ulysses


When ya boy starts being gay and he needs to stop by eating so many cupcakes, he gets fat. Then his girlfriend leaves him and says "You're fat, now i don't want you." Then this kid named Gabe gets with the fat girl and she pretends shes happy with someone who's hair is receeding farther back than cupcakes when Ulysses sees them.
Don't be a #ulysses to me bro.


Ulysses: an extremely handsome, charming, sexy beast that everyone loves. He loves to hang out with friends and hates posers. His penis is incredibly large, and he himself can pleasure 5 girls at a time. All girls love him, all guys envy him, even the gods. He is usually tall, or has someone tall in his family, brown eyes, brown hair, muscular, and a great musician. His music can sweep the great Aphrodite off her feet.
He is making me so hot. He's such a Ulysses.
All my friends say that he acts like a Ulysses.

He's so handsome, he's like a Ulysses


person with big dick and likes to tell jokes that is totally awesome
I am a ulysses, because im awesome.


Greek hero from Homer's Illiad and Odyssey. He was a very smart and cunning king (king of Ithica) who came up with the idea of the 'Trojan Horse' to win the war for the Greeks. It took Ulysses 10 years to find his way home after the war. The Illiad and especially the Odyssey are two of the greatest stories ever told.

Usually refers to someone who is very cunning.
He is as cunning as Ulysses.


A kind person, who is clever and makes anything just that bit sweeter. They tend to be tall and find the best out of a awkward situation. If they find a cat in a tree, they would die before they admit defeat. She is strong, stylish and loves smaller groups of people. They tend to stick with the people they stumble across and hold them close for years.

They are world travellers and enjoy home comforts at the same time. Autumn would be the season of good for these people.
B:"have you met a Ulysse?"
L:"No, but is it worth it mate?"
B:"you would be missing out if ya didn't meet 'em."


A $50 bill, in the same logic that benjamins are $100 bills, as Ulysses Grant appears on the $50.
Dude: Hey, got change for a Ulysses?
Cashier: Is 5 Hamiltons alright?


Getting home (at all, or anytime soon)

A reference to a translated Odyssey by Homer, the character Odysseus is translated to Ulysses. In the story, it took something like 10 years for the man to get home to his wife and dog from the Trojan war (In the Iliad). He had all kinds of adventures along the way, from the sirens to calypso.

In the Franz Ferdinand album, Tonight, the first song is titled Ulysses. In the song the man is singing about how bored he is at night and calls up his friends to get high and have a good time. In the video, while he is on the payfone there is a sticker on the phone that reads 'Am I Ulysses?' (Am I getting home tonight? Or at all for that matter...)

If you are Ulysses, you'll get home. If you aren't you won't.
"Am I Ulysses? Am I Ulysses?" "No, but you are now boy"

"Oh then suddenly you know, you're never going home.... You're not Ulysses"




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