An accomplishment so small that it really isn't an accomlishment at all. Something someone brags about despite the fact that it is entirely uderwhelming.
Hey I just cleared level 5 on Angry Birds!
Congratulations on your uncomplishment.
Congratulations on your uncomplishment.
Work producing a result lesser than starting point.
Trish worked hard to uncomplish years of training by tearing tendon before the Olympics
leaving boeuf bourgingnon unattended on stove will uncomplish hours of preparation.
9 months of war have uncomplished peace in Ukraine.
leaving boeuf bourgingnon unattended on stove will uncomplish hours of preparation.
9 months of war have uncomplished peace in Ukraine.
verb. Something meaningless you accomplish on the internet; menial internet day to day activities. The conscious act of doing anything that takes a large portion of time with few if any meaningful results.
I uncomplished all my internet chores so I could go outside and play; I never run out of things to uncomplish on the internet.