

俚语 uncontrollable


When someone trolls somebody and no one else can stop the troll.
this guy is uncontrollable.


pwns all
Uncontrollable pwns all
Unconrtollable is blardy uncontrollable


When one is kitted out in clothing choices that would normally be cause for ridicule and derogatory statements if the wearer weren't undeniably stylish and awesome. This would include furs, heeled boots, leather bags, silver jewelry and floral prints.

When one is dressing deliberately counter to established masculine norms.
He was all uncontrol'd out in fox fur and floral prints

Dude put on his heels and all of a sudden he was all uncontrol

Damn, those boots are fly. When'd you get so uncontrol?


A video game console remote or controller, that controls itself or has some other sort of undesired operation, whether from carelessness, wrath inflicted on it, a virus, or it being a shady third party controller.
Player 1: Wow, you sure are dashing and moving worse than a drunk in this game. Player 2: Yeah, no dip, this is what I like to call an uncontroller. Spending a few more dollars on a nicer controller would have been wise, and also for my system.

uncontrollable flesh

a penis that suffers with spontaneous erections
"yes, your honour, I saw him running through Epping Forest, in broad daylight, with 10 inches of uncontrollable flesh, sticking out in front of him. It resembled a lance."

uncontrollable flatulence

The inhability to stop farting. Bowl out of control. People with this syndrome usually don't have many friends. People with this syndrome are advised not to opperate heavy machinery.
One of the side effects of ZAPALAX is uncontrollable flatulence.

Uncontrollable penis

When your penis decides what it wants to do
1 That Uncontrollable Penis is painting art on the walls.
2 your uncontrollable penis just wants to fuck what ever girl it sees




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:47:40