When the extent of a persons incompetence has had a negative effect on people who are unfortunately by blood marriage or geographical inconvenience frequently fuck over by these careless cock hairs, they may need uncouragement!
Guy 1 He's looking for some kind of tool
Guy 2 Fuck that I gotta laid down a lil uncoragement before this muppet fucks shit up.
Guy 2 stop looking for tools or you'll find a beating fuck wit you suck at everything and when you realise this come to me so I can tie ya noose well all be proud if ya get that right!
Guy 2 Fuck that I gotta laid down a lil uncoragement before this muppet fucks shit up.
Guy 2 stop looking for tools or you'll find a beating fuck wit you suck at everything and when you realise this come to me so I can tie ya noose well all be proud if ya get that right!