The fluidy paste from under your chode
"Pick at your chode underneath the table and smear the underbutter on the chips and cards, you can use it against them later." "Aw dude, it smells like underbutter in here!" "How would you like my underbutter all over your face bitch?"
The distinct area off the bottom that is at the lower part of the gluteus maximus. Usually the underbutt is highly regarded in terms of attractiveness. Often the underbutt is discovered at the beach when womens bikinis do not cover the whole area of the bottom.
Amy has an excellent underbutt
When girls wear short shorts and you can see the bottom part of their butts.
Damn did you Ashley's shorts? Her underbutt is completely exposed, and it caused me to bust an instant nut.
The second butt created below the original butt by tight underpants, where the elastic is doing all the work, under tight pants.
in my jogging tights i have an underbutt and a muffintop and in between is my ba-donka-donk