

俚语 underhand


When on a first date, a slightly unattractive women "under hands" or gropes for a mans junk under the table cloth.
Example: "Oh, yeah, girl! I totally underhanded him last night!"


Cheap (not referring to money); unfair.
His underhanded business deals subjected him to a taxing amount of government scrutiny.


The practice of going up behind a woman in a nightclub and putting your fingers inside of her without her consent, as part of a dare or contest. A form of sexual harassment.
"Hey man, I'm feeling extra misogynistic this evening, want to have an underhanding contest?"
"Sure, I also have no decency and want to harass someone more vulnerable than me, lets do it!"

underhanded comment

A snide statement that is hidden behind what seems to be a polite one. It can be an inside joke, but can also have negative connotation.
Chris Brown: “I f--- with Frank Ocean! Reminds me of a young James Fauntleroy or Kevin Cossum”

Frank Ocean: “i f---s wit chris brown, reminds me of a young sisqo or ike turner.”
“i just dont like underhanded comments. thats all im saying.”

pure underhand

1. A term in badminton, regarding an excellent underhanded return

2. Just think about it. No formal definition, but considered an inferior form of bushikan
"and that, my friends, was the night i gave her the pure underhand"

underhand slider

The action of female grasping to line up the penis for proper angle of penetration prior to intercourse; woman on bottom. Most common when a guy (freehanded) rubs the head of his penis around the pussy lips and doesn't insert; frustrated the female will grasp the dick with a underhand grip and slid it in. The man will immediately feel gratified as the woman was unable to hold out any longer and executed penetration. Excellence is measured when a woman who plays extremely hard to get gives an "underhand slider".
Matt: Last night I was messing around with Tiffany and to my surprise she gave me an "underhand slider"! I was teasing the shit out of her and making her quiver...she couldn't take it and underhand slid it in.
Zak: Those are the best.....Kristen holds out and acts like she doesn't want it but I get an "underhanded slider" nightly.
Jimmy: I get underhanded by Sam all the time....she love the dick!

Underhand Carrot

When at a posh restaurant, and the waiter gives you a cheeky hand job while pretending to read the specials.
I used to waitress at the Ivy, until I gave an underhand carrot to Russell Brand.




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