A Bitterby is an extremely enraged human being. This individual is considering itself correct in every matter even though this not might be the case.
Bitterbys originates from South Sweden and thus are residing in Swedish villages.
The trick to catch a Bitterby is to have great patience as they are hard to find.
Rumor goes that Bitterbys feed of the fear of others hence their social awkwardness.
Bitterbys originates from South Sweden and thus are residing in Swedish villages.
The trick to catch a Bitterby is to have great patience as they are hard to find.
Rumor goes that Bitterbys feed of the fear of others hence their social awkwardness.
Person 1: What are you!? A Bitterby?
Person 2: GTFO, thats none of your business!
Person 2: GTFO, thats none of your business!