

俚语 unicon


It's unicorn spelt wrong kids.
A unicorn is a magical horse that has a large horn on the tip of it's muzzle.
It is said to be able to have magical powers.
Yes, the unicorn is not real.
Also see Charlie the unicorn
"Charlie> your a unicorn"
"I'm a unicon"
"Damn, unicorn!"


When you go through a fast food drive through and order an ice cream cone. Upon receiving the cone you ask the employee at the window if they believe in unicorns. When they say "no" you stick the ice cream on your forward and yell "belieeevveeeee."
Let's go unicone McDonalds.


The act of purchasing an ice-cream cone at a drive through, asking the person if they believe in unicorns, then sticking the ice-cream cone to your forehead while slowly driving away screaming, "believe"!!
Mary and Jane went uniconing through the drive-through window with icecream cones stuck to their forheads.




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