refers to a gradual or progressive measure which functions in reverse to instil. Whereby instil is a measure which gradually but firmly establishes in the mind of either an individual or a society at large ( a predefined idea/ attitude, viewpoint or cultural or social norm ) . uninstil however in contrast, functions so to very progressively and gradually subvert, alter or efface a person or societies preexisting social political, cultural or religious idea, viewpoint or norm.
refers to a gradual or progressive measure which functions in reverse to instil. Whereby instil is a measure which gradually but firmly establishes in the mind of either an individual or a society at large ( a predefined idea/ attitude, viewpoint or cultural or social norm ) . uninstil however in contrast, functions so to very progressively and gradually subvert, alter or efface a person or societies preexisting social political, cultural or religious idea, viewpoint or norm.
uninstil can best be described as the progressive and gradual eroding and effacing of the cultural, religious and social norms of American Indians.