

俚语 bixed


To be anally aroused by wheatabix
"What did you have for breakfast Ollie?"
"I had wheatabix!"
"Who else here likes wheatabix?"
"Well Teb sure does love to get bixed"


Jazzy, Cool, Smooth Talker, cool musician, Cool Guy. The height of Jazz Coolness.

Named after Bix Beiderbecke, (March 10, 1903 – August 6, 1931) was an American jazz cornetist, jazz pianist, and composer. With Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke was one of the two most influential jazz soloists of the 1920s.

Term returned to popularity during the late 50's, 60's with the Beatniks, and the Beat Generation, due to many 1920's (hip to jazz) Parents naming their children after Beiderbecke.

The usage of the term "Bix" as a complementary adjective , remains till today, mostly with musicians, although less known outside the usual Jazz Capitals like New Orleans, and NYC.

Search Engine "Bix Beiderbecke" for more info.
"That cat on the horn is the Bix."

"Jim's not the average ladies' man, he's the Bix"

"He got up there and played the ever-loving Bix out of that tune."


A word for drunk. Bixed applies to when you're so drunk you don't remember the name of the girl/guy you may or may not have kissed at the party last night which itself may or may not have happened. Derived from the popular breakfast cereal "Weetabix" which (much like alcohol) shouldn't be consumed in large quantities.
Jack was absolutely bixed last night at the party


Anyone who isn't a black female who tries to act like a black female.
I'm not gonna hang out with those bixes because they always are talking shit.


The Bitch Index. Scale is 0 for complete non-bitch, while 10 is a perfect score for ultra-bitch.
Wow, Katie must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed....her BIX Index is at 7.


Slang for more than one Ecstasy pill.
"We're gonna need more bix for the party tonight"


Just a nicer way of calling someone a bitch
You know man i like katie...but sometimes she is a BIX




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:30:21