An ugly fairy. Instead of a hot chick with butterfly wings, a Bixie is a fat chick mixed with a bee.
You're a newb, go smack a Bixie
A bixie is an extremely nasty and selfish feline that has no concept of personal space. A Bixie's eyes are a true window to their soul, which is pure evil.
I hate that Bixie
Bixi is a bicyle sharing system that was launched in Montreal, Canada in 2009. Although in urban context, a Bixi is a girl that gets around; girl that gets around the block alot; the girl anybody can get a ride with.
''Sheila's been sleeping around lately. I heard Mark had a ride on that bixi'' or ''Am I the only one this room who hasn't been on that bixi?''
another word for bitches
all the girls in my buddy list are under the "BIXI" group