

俚语 unrelieable


undependable, irresponsible, untrustworthy
James : Andy has bailed again he is now on punishment
Nick : You know baldy he is unreliable


Not able to be counted on; Not performing expected duties.
UrbanDictionary.com's definiton of pippie is very unreliable, as each one of the six definitons gives a different meaning for the word.


Omar Almi
Omar is always unreliable because he never gets online at time we agreed on

Unreliable texter

A person who texts unreliably; they can either respond in ten minutes or ten days. Also quality of texts are unpredictable. They are either short one words or paragraphs.
Oh yeah you know Courtney? She’s such an unreliable texter! She hasn’t responded in a week!

Unreliable Narrator

When in a story, the voice that speaks to the audience purposely misleads them to better position them for a surprise, double cross, or twistaroni
dude from fight club was an unreliable Narrator, much like whoever wrote this example

Unreliable Source

Unreliable Source is a common tag used by Wikipedia. Wikipedia is (or intended to be) a open source encyclopedia.

In theory, the tag "Unreliable source" is used when an article or part of a article cite or talk about some questionable content.

But, in a real world scenario, "Unreliable source" is used as a form to piss off contributors. Even by using logic, if a statement is correct but some editor consider to screw it, then it can claim that the statement is incorrect.
Writer-"The roses are red"
Editor -I put a unreliable source tag because the statement does not cite any source claiming it.
Writer-But i put not only a source but 3 sources.
Editor -Sorry about that but *im* still consider unreliable.

Unreliable Bassist

A person who at first has a lot of friends and then ditches them for her his girlfriend then ditches his girlfriend for his friends then ditches his friends for his girlfriend and so-on. In the end he cant figure out what to do. Also doesn't get past "first base".
Chuck: Yo. Paul is such an Unreliable Bassist!
Ricky: Yeah he is always with his girlfriend Cindy!
Chuck: He never chills with us anymore!

Nick: Hey, Paul! You never chill with your girlfriend! whats up with that?
Paul: Well I felt like i ditched you guys so i want to chill with you guys again!
Nick: But now your ditching with your girlfriend!!

Paul: Wow, your right! I have to chill with her!
Nick: Choose who you want to hang out with! Your being such an Unreliable Bassist!




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