

俚语 up and down like a merry-go-round

Up and Down Like a Merry-Go-Round

To engage in marital relations with your significant other while moving up and down in a smooth, fluid motion as if riding the merry-go-round at a local theme park or carnival. Usually performed by red-headed men over 50 with crooked clam hammers.
Rawd: Wow, Emil. What's with the big smile??

Emil: Guess!!!!

Rawd: Ummmm..you discovered a cure for E-BOAL-EYE??

Emil: Nope!!!!

Rawd: Hmmmm..you finally got to visit the Book SUPPOSITORY???

Emil: Nope!!! Come on Rawd, you know why!!

Rawd: No I don't!! What is it!!

Emil: OK!! I'm happy because I went Up and Down Like a Merry-Go-Round last night!!!!!!

Rawd: That's fantastic. Congratulations!!




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