

俚语 up in my ass

Up in my ass

When someone is really annoying you.
Mum: Hey Dave do the dishes!
Friend: Man your mom is giving you heaps to do
Dave: Yeah she's been 'up in my ass' all day

All up in my ass

A conjunction of all up in my grill and on my ass.
An uncomfortable situation when multiple people are telling you what to do. (up in my business
This project sucks. I got the entire board of directors all up in my ass.

All up in my ass

A conjunction of all up in my grill and on my ass.
An uncomfortable situation when multiple people are telling you what to do. (up in my business
This project sucks. I got the entire board of directors all up in my ass.

up my ass

up his ass
up her ass
meaning someone who is always on another persons case, like always together but even closer together, like 2 buddies hanging out, but one sayz y r u up my ass so much, or y r u up her ass so much...see get off my dick
invadeing one's space to much
being stuck together like glue, u might think of anal sex, but not this time...
i like being up everyones ass, but i hate when everyone is up my ass....
poparatzis r always up my ass...
my mother is always up my ass about homework...
girl: my bf is up my ass so much i bleed everytime he's up there!!!

up my ass

A phrase used when you dont know or care where somthing is when asked.
person1-"wheres the remote?"
person2-"up my ass"

i got carrie all up in my ass

When a woman is having a particularly heavy menstrual flow.
Mindy: "Why are you so grumpy today?" Diane: "I got Carrie all up in my ass!"

Dick up my ass

When someone makes no sense or you don’t understand what there saying
Her: So one day I was walking down the street in a forest.
Him: I’m done you just said dick up my ass




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:55:24