

俚语 upvote


The action of giving an article, post or video on an internet forum or website a positive rating, such as a "thumbs up".
This article is really insightful. I think I will upvote it.


Something that is unobtainable.
Fame, is upvotes.


When a man is having sex with a woman who is having her period and he pulls out and slaps his penis against her stomach or thigh, leaving a red arrow shaped mark on her skin, which resembles an upvote arrow on Reddit. Signifies a job well done, or 'thumbs up'.
"She was having her period, but we banged anyways... When we were finished I gave her an upvote, she earned it!"

upvote this

make it the word of the month please
hey fucking upvote this


what redditors say when they see minecraft
upvoted cause mincecraft!!11

Self Upvote

a person who upvotes their own definition
Person 1: How do you have 10,000,000,000 upvotes. There's not even that many people on the planet.
Person 2: Im a self upvote

pity upvote

The action of up-voting a thread on reddit that is performing poorly out of pity.
"I wasn't going to upvote this thread, but I noticed it hardly has any upvotes, so I threw it a pity upvote".




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:22:58