

俚语 urban ass's

Urban Ass

Urban Ass - one of the best known Russian grunge band from Moscow. Named by Morozov Sergei - Urban Ass was found in 2004. Making a lot of concerts Urban Ass working in a studio, recording a new songs for the future album wich will be called "Grand G". You can listen Urban Ass's songs at www.myspace.com/urbanass

Now Urban Ass are:
Drums - Morozov Sergei.
Lead vocal and guitar- Ermakov Ura.
Bass guitar - Kirill Pustovoit.
Urban Ass - kicks Ass!

Urban Ass-kisser

1) A person who comes to Urbandictionary.com and posts the name of the person who they hope (probably in vain) to some day end up with. These people flood urbandictionary with thousands of useless definitions in the hopes that (Insert name here) will see it.

2) A self-aggrandizing loser.
1) chris conway

2) Alex Hall

urban ass bitch

a girl who looks like she shops at places like urban outfitters
"I started talking to this new girl"
"What does she look like?"
"She's an urban ass bitch"

urban ass-kissing

when somebody uses urban dictionary to kiss somebody's ass. this is usually done by making a word that vaugely describes a person, kissing ass, then providing that person with a link to the urban dic page. then they can pretend they didnt make it, or use it as a bullshit excuse to get in to somebody's pants.

urban ass-kissing can be reversed by urban ass-kicking, wich is pretty much the opposite, and can be used for breakups, and facebook wars
nerd: o hai guess what i found a definition that matches our relationship!
chick: what relationship? (looks at definition) oh thats so sweet. lets have sex!
nerd: Giggity Im so good at urban ass-kissing!




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