

俚语 urban page

Urban Page

The page on Urban dictionary which is that of a mates name, usually hidden from said mate to avoid them getting an ego boost or possibly to stop depression
Guy 1: Oi we better make sure (insert name) never sees his urban page
Guy 2: yeah the guys already arrogant as is

Guy 1: Oh shit bro (insert name) just saw his urban page
guy 2: shiiiiit

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Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page is almost impossible.

Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page

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Just to warn you, it's practically impossible.
Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page is almost impossible.

Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page

What you are doing right now.
Just to warn you, it's practically impossible.
Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page is almost impossible.

Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page

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Just to warn you, it's practically impossible.
Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page is almost impossible.

Please try again later or go to Urban Dictionary's front page.

The screen in urban dictionary you can't get enough of
'Urban Dictionary is busy right now.

Please try again later or go to Urban Dictionary's front page. '
Person 1: "dang it..."

Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page

What you are doing right now.
Just to warn you, it's practically impossible.
Looking for a sensible thing to vote for on the Urban Dictionary voting page is almost impossible.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:03:27