

俚语 urbin' it

urbin' it

(:verb:) The act of using Urban Dictionary as a medium or vehicle to pass time at work or other place where boredom ensues
Artie: "Yo fox, NCO is sooo killin me, im havin a boregasm!!!"

Fox; "True, me too, im just urbin' it."


1) To be let go from one's employment for looking up definitions in the Urban Dictionary during work hours.

2) To be dissed by name or reference in an Urban Dictionary definition.
1) "Stu, if you don't stop trying to learn how to do the snappy dragon on Urban Dictionary, you will be urbinated for sure."

2) Stu -"Man, I did the angry scotish pirate to my sister's friend, and she totally put my name the definition for Douchie McDoucher"

McGoo - "Wow. Urbinated. Burn."


a person who receives the "urban dictionary word of the day," and then uses that word incessantly until the next word of the day pops up in his inbox the following morning. at that point, he repeats said process above.
Man, that fuckstick needs to get a fucking life...i am sickntired of hearing the same front runnin' shit from that urbinator !


The devastating feeling, or state of existence, or situation that arises when you have to explain to someone that the word you really loved, and which you really thought would be accepted by the urban dictionary - has instead been almost immediately binned and trashed by the editors
"I've just been totally urbinned! My word's been dumped, rejected, trashed, call it what you like - all within minutes of my submitting it!"


When you bored as Fuck, so you end up writing fucking definitions on urban dictionary for the rest of the day.
"I'm urbinating."

"I urbinated last night."

"I'm bored as fuck, let's urbinate. "

urbin dickshinairy

How you pronounce "urban dictionary".
Let's go to urbin dickshinairy!

Urbin dicktonary

calling a person named tonary a bin dick
urbin dicktonary that's right!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:55:49