

俚语 urbone


pronounced like "ur" from "urban."

It's what you get while masturbating to the definitions on the urban dictionary.
I could hear Steve moaning all the way in the basement when he was on the computer last night, he must have been giving himself an urbone...


politically correct term for urban slang, replacing the term "ebonics" which alledgedly derives from the word "ebony" with "urban"
I don't speak Urbonics and whatnot, I don't get "jiggy" with it.


He is a meme lord
That dude is a urbon


Urban English.
I have mastered the fine art of Urbonics thanks to the Urban Dictionary!


The language derived from the urban dictionary.
Things headed shitward once world started speaking Urbonics.

"Hooked on Urbonics! It worked for me!"


Getting a boner when reading something hot on Urban Dictionary
Guy#1: Dude, I totally popped a urboner last night.
Guy#2: Lol, that seems to happen to you to much.


1.) the correct term used to describe urban slang. 2.) the specific accent and pronunciation of words spoken in an urban environment. 3.) not ebonics (black slang) 4.) a modern evolutionary form of english linguistics.
'dis' instaed of 'this', 'dat' instead of 'that', adopted from old southern english. Likely shortened for ease of communication and/or code for illegal actions. 'nose-candy' instead of 'cocaine', '5-O' instead of 'police officer'.

"Why on earth use urbonics when noone can understand a single word coming out of your mouth? Thank science we have the urban dictionary"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:27:24