

俚语 urinism


Urinism describes recently partnerned peoples inability to speak in the singular person any more... The "I" is replaced with "We"... They are talking in "We" hence the urinism...
Urinism in practice "We can not come out tonight because we are staying in to watch a DVD with a bottle of vino..." or "We do not think it's a good idea"... or "We would but we are off away for a smug weekend"....


A person who pees the most often
Went on a family road trip and Mom needed to go to every road stop to pee as she is the Urinator


1. Something written on a urinal, typically by a drunk individual.
2a. An article of "journalism" which is of particularly bad quality or of a particularly foolish nature.
2b. An article of "journalism" which is extremely political to the point which there is nothing of worth to be gleamed from it.
1. He entertained himself in the bathroom by reading the urinallisms.
2a. Everyone reading is just reading for your urinalism, you ARE the joke.
2b. How do they make any money when all they is this urinalism?


liquid excreted by the kidneys
If you are dying of thirst, it is better to drink someone else's urine rather than your own because your body has already rejected yours.


The process of releasing bodily waste in the form of liquids.
"Billy, your dinner is ready"
"Hold on a second darling I'm just urinating"

The Urinator

Someone who constantly has to urinate and speaks in a german-like tone of voice similar to Arnold.
Due to the frequency of the urinationations the person is often suspected of being a cyborg.
"I Must Urin-ate..I'll be back", Dude, you are the Urinator!, you pee constantly and talk like Arnold in the movie The Terminator.


That thing us guys piss in.
Girl: What is that funny looking thing on the wall in the men's bathroom?

Guy: That's a urinal.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:26:00