

俚语 ursucu


A combination between Urs (Bear) and Bursuc (Badger). It is commonly used in Romania to define a person that is always attracted to girls that look young.
Dan, check this girl out! (Dan uite-o pe fata asta!)
Damn she looks so young and hot. (E tanara si buna rau)
Ce ursucu esti Dan, poate fi fiica ta. (You are such an ursuc Dan, she could have been your daughter)


Used as Ursucu/Ursuc: The combination of Urs (Bear)and Bursuc (Badger). It's a new slang word used in the suburban areas in Romania defining a person that is into petite women.

boy1 - "Fata aceea se uita la tine, Dan" ("That girl is looking at you, Dan")

boy2 - "Ce tanara si supla e, arata bine rau" ("Damn she looks really hot, young and slim")
boy3 - "Ce ursucu esti frate!"("You're such an ursucu bro!")


A slang word use in Romania in the sub-urban areas about guys that like petite girls. (women that look very young)

boy 1: "Uite Dan ce bune e asta" ("Dan, look at this hottie")
boy 2: "E buna rau sa-mi dau una, e supla si tanara" ("She's really hot, young and slim")
boy 1: "Ce ursucu esti Dan, putea fi fi-ta" ("You're such an Ursucu, Dan, she coulda been your daughter")




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