uwu girl
the most uwu person on the planet
they're so cute like it's not even fair to all the "normal" girls
she makes u feel soft
they're so cute like it's not even fair to all the "normal" girls
she makes u feel soft
"omg chika fujiwara-san is suCH an UWU GIRL"
uwu girl
a feminine girl, a word conjured by people insecure about femininity or by e-girls who wanna get a discord daddy to give them free shit
she's such an uwu girl
uwu girl
girl named christina with uwu papa and russian suka katoraya hotela padratsa
omg that girl christina is a uwu girl UwU
UwU girl
vampires that maintain their immortality by draining the discord nitro from unsuspecting neckbeards
how do discord mods always fall for uwu girls
UwU Girl
A UwU girl is someone who is kind and loving but they say UwU/OwO alot
Hey did you know that my bestfreand is a UwU Girl
UwU girl/boy
Annoying shit heads on roblox or anything who wants a daddy and uses uwu a lot at the end of their sentence (they think is cute) also say baka a lot and Sutter a lot when talking to their "future daddy"
UwU girl/boy B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BAKE UWU
Gacha uwu girl
They are girl who would watch gacha in class 24/7 and would have dodo stain on their pants. They would try to act tough but they know they're not.
Someone: Who is that girl that everyone call Gacha uwu girl
Y/N: She watches gacha 24/7 and never wipe.
Y/N: She watches gacha 24/7 and never wipe.