People with a phobia of, or that are against the keyboard face, UwU
Person 1: *Sends cute picture*
Person 2: UwU
Person 1: Ew! Is UwU really necessary? You know I have UwUphobia!
Person 2: UwU
Person 1: Ew! Is UwU really necessary? You know I have UwUphobia!
uwuphobia is like homophobia- those who have the phobia are either afraid of "uwu"/"owo", or they just flat out hate it. usually, you can see people making uwuphobic jokes about them. like "UWU SENPAI-CHAN UWUUUU KAWAII DESUUUU NYAA~~~~", "i am furry uwu, nya~", etc. but if you're actually like that, sORRY-
*over text*
Girl: UwU.
Boy: Ew. What are you, a furry?
Girl: Wow. Uwuphobic much? U swear, there's just as much Uwuphobia going around as Homophobia.
Girl: UwU.
Boy: Ew. What are you, a furry?
Girl: Wow. Uwuphobic much? U swear, there's just as much Uwuphobia going around as Homophobia.
AN phobia of Uwucats if you don't know what that is uwu cats are Stereotypical Tiny Male Gay Bottom Femboys in gacha
Sussy baka Eater: me walks
Uwu cat:*nya* (in an cringe way)
SussybakaEater:A a a a a a a. A a a a a shit i got UWUPhobia now
Uwu cat:*nya* (in an cringe way)
SussybakaEater:A a a a a a a. A a a a a shit i got UWUPhobia now