

俚语 vagina eye

Vagina eyes

When you're so tired you develop large bags under your eyes - so large that they are the same size as your eyelids. Together, both resemble labium majora (female bits) horizontally.
I got no sleep last night, look how big my vagina eyes are.

Vagina eyes

Being a massive g, usually called rick or clog or glogerick
Wow vagina eyes glog

vagina eyes

You think a boy is hotter than he really is because you haven't seen many boys lately.
"Alex is so hot... Omg you reallly have vagina eyes, take another look"

camp problems

Vagina Eye

slang for pussy or faggot
"Stop being such a fucking vagina eye!"

vagina eyes

people at the university of dayton that are on a constant lookout for some vagina
He had his vagina eyes on last night.

vagina eyes

anabells eyes can tend to get really puffy and swollen up like vagina lips after crying. the eyelashes can look like puebes.
Damn Anabell your vagina eyes! Are you okay?

Vagina Eye

If you have an eye infection that makes your eye appear alarmingly red and puffy... but causes you little discomfort, you have Vagina Eye.
Don't worry, it's just a really bad case of Vagina Eye. You know... it feels great.... it just LOOKS horrible!




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