

俚语 vaginement


when women are frequently in close proximity to each other and their periods become coinciding.
Abused Guy: Shit, these chicks are being total biatches today.... Oh wait.

Guy's Bro: What?

Abused guy: It's vaginement.

Guy's Bro: What?

Abused Guy: Vaginneeeemmeeennnnttt!!!


The Engineer class from Team Fortress 2 that has a mouth that looks like a woman's vagina, speaks backwards, and usually is seen in gmod videos.
Team Fortress 2 gmod vagnia Engineer Vagineer


From the movie "Borat". It is another word for vagina. More specifically, it can be used to describe third-world vagina.
"...but one time my brother get her vagine."


The act of exploring a vagina for recreational purposes.
I lost my watch when I went vagineering with my girlfriend over the weekend.


How Borat say vagina

Borat: She had a very nice vagin


slang for "vagina" as coined by Borat
"Her vagine hang low like a wizard's sleeve"


when a guy complains about small injuries, and he is acting like a pussy and needs to suck it up and play like a champ, he is suffering from vaginitis. symptoms may include owies, booboos, and saying things like "ow my _____ hurts." common cures are a slap to the face or a verbal beating until he recovers.
"Ouch, my knee really hurts from when i fell"
"Oh yea, must be the vaginitis. Quit crying, its fourth down"




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