

俚语 vaguerant


adjective: Unclear status messages, updates or comments written for the sole purpose of attracting the pity, support, and/or attention of others. Also see: vaguerancy.
Vaguerant comments include:

punctuation-only status messages ("!!!", "???", and ellipses), acronym-only status messages ("OMG", "WTF"),

and any other incomplete, unclear, incendiary or melancholic phrases that would require someone else to a. ask several follow-up questions in order to extract meaning or b. defend or clarify a point c. express sympathy.


The effecienter form of the phrase, "more vague."
The vaguer the better.

Facebook Vaguerism

Saying something vague on Facebook for attention. It's basically to get people to comment on your status or ask what's wrong. That's why it's a very attention whore like activity. However sometimes vaguerisms can indicate that they're posting about some one on their friends list and don't want to be obvious.
Susan Posts: Sometimes I just don't know anymore
Good Friend Posts: what's wrong/what happened.
Cynical Friend Posts: just say what's up this is such a Facebook Vaguerism!

Not limited to simple status, it can also involve hateful/depressed lyrics.

Susan Posts: I believe that lovers should be tied together thrown into the ocean on the worst of weather.
Good Friend: omg what happened?
Cynical Friend: Cut the Vaguerisms! just tell us what's up instead of posting some dumb sh*t on facebook.

Susan Posts: Have another drink and drive yourself home. I hope there's ice on all the roads... and you can think of me when you forget your seat belt.
Dumb Friend: Omg I love Brand New!
Good Friend: Who could you possibly hate this much? Please call me.


Da crime of not giving clear straightforward answers or understandable/verifiable statements.
Many politicians are so mealy-mouthed and wishy-washy about finding actual solutions or making tangible progress that they should be charged with vaguerancy!




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