

俚语 valinized


A simple soul (usually a female) who is quiet on the outside. But really, on the inside, she is an adventurous, wild and smart person eager to do anything for anyone close to her heart.
I think that girl is really a valine on the inside.


a girl who has excellent taste in music and loves to entertain people with her outrageous sense of humor. A Valin may like to experiment with drugs and sex quite a bit.
"Woah, that girl is such a Valin!"


To go into distress and scream at children.
She valinated all day because her child banged on the door.


The vagina of a girl who has 3 or more STI's, but refuses to admit it.
I'm not putting my dick anywhere near Taylor's valine! I don't want Herpes!


the act of losing your v-card. doing IT. complete penial penetration. the horizontal mamba. when your grandma says 'it that what you kids are calling it these days'. a.k.a your virginity.
s says: m are you kidding me?! you lost your valinity???!!

m says: who hasn't these days?

s says: whore.


something, sometimes in the air, that is the glue that binds the universe (much like peanut butter)
"God damn, Ricky! Ya'll be schrimdela-bimbo in tha hizzle, all stumbly bumbly and what not... it just aint got no valinity to it. Ya must be dumber than a god damn box of rocks, man. Fuckin' A, man!"


The feeling of wanting to commit suicide, but
the thought of throwing away the chances of
talking to that special someone, keeps you from
doing so.
He's been so valinized since the break-up.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:50:16