

俚语 vegan gay

Vegan Gay

A person who parades their sexuality around like it's a prize or feels as if they have to mention it every five seconds in any conversation they ever have, just like many vegans, who feel the need to enlighten everyone of their diet choices.
Person 1: By the way, I'm gay if I haven't already mentioned it. *5 seconds pass* Did you know I'm gay?

Person 2: Yes, I heard you. *leans to Person 3 and whispers* Man they're such a vegan gay.

Person 1: *looks at Person 2's Instagram with a pride flag profile picture, Gay in their bio, and every post has a rainbow somewhere on it* Man this person is such a vegan gay.

Gay Vegan

Someone with a savagely groomed beard, slicked hair and a cool dress sense that screams hipster
Guy 1: Is your mate a Gay Vegan?

Guy 2: "Yea he is super cool wicked sick!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:15:41