

俚语 blackfisher


A person who does not support cetacean captivity at any marine facility in the wake of the movie Blackfish.
The Blackfishers organized a protest against Lolita's captivity at Miami Seaquarium for Saturday.


The act of a corporation or business entity engaged in the captive cetacean industry suffering financial loss and/or loss of reputation by not adjusting their business model in the wake of the documentary, Blackfish.
Since the documentary Blackfish, at marine parks attendance is down and shares have dropped by 50%. They have been "Blackfished".


When a white person has purposely made themselves appear black on the internet
Person 1: have you seen beckys new post? She’s literally Facetuned herself so much. She looks black!
Person 2: she’s blackfishing


Commonly perpetrated by females of European descent (white) which involves artificial tanning (spray tanning and tanning booths) and using makeup to manipulate facial features in order to appear to have some type of Black African ancestry.

The general point of blackfishing is for a female of European descent to appear of African, Arab, or Hispanic ancestry.

Some consider it to be equivalent to modern day “black face” because it capitalizes off the looks of historically oppressed groups of people by people who come from more privileged backgrounds.
“Emma Hallberg is a beautiful mixed race Swede.”

“No, Emma isn’t mixed race, she’s just blackfishing.”

“They want to be black without being black.”


Blackfishing is someone who is not black pretending like they are black
Blackfishing person: I am not white, im black

Black person: shut the fuck up


The fine art of fishing for Tautog on rock piles and wrecks with green crabs. Typically off the NewJersey coast in about 40 to 140 feet of water depending on the season. Best times to go are November to January.
Guy- Yo Spank! It’s cold
Out there with some ice burgs in the bay but it is the best time to do some blackfishing!!

Spanky- you got that right Guy!! nothing better than blackfishing, loading up the boat with em and cooking those babies on the smoker!!!! Woooo!

Captain - let’s go then! Perfect blackfishing weather this morning!!!


Orca / killer whale orignating from Native American culture / Northwest Coast tribes and often found carved on totem poles.

Name taken from Tlingit legend of "Natsilane" a sea lion hunter betrayed by his brothers-in-law but saved by a Chief of the sea lions he had been hunting. In response to them saving him, Natsilane carved a great black fish from cedar wood and when launched it came to life and swam out to sea.

He called the blackfish to find his brothers-in-law when they returned from their hunting, destroy them and their boat but spare the youngest boy. The blackfish set out and found them, capsized the boat and drowned the brothers by keeping them from shore. The youngest made it back safely along with his story of the great blackfish and his brothers’ treachery.

Natsilane instructed it never again to harm humans but instead, to help them and legend states following this, a large strange blackfish with teeth was seen near the shore and at times would leave a freshly killed seal or halibut for the villagers. The villagers agreed to show mutual respect by never hunting nor harming the blackfish and taking it for their crest.

Tribes with Orca / Blackfish clans include the Tlingit, Tsimshian, and Kwakiutl. It is still highly revered and considered a spiritual, powerful animal which must be respected and protected.

The name was given to the movie documentary based on its name and the legend / cautionary tale against hunting or harming.
"You're fishing? OK but you know the drill about the Blackfish. Leave well alone they're good to us if we leave well alone!!!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:10:00