

俚语 blackfooter


Black grime that appears on the bottom of your foot after wearing new or wet sandals.
Amanda was wearing her new sandals and a few hours later she realized she had become Blackfoot.


A person that does not mind walking barefoot where ever he goes, ending up with blackfoot at the end of his or her travels
if you keep walking like that your gonna become a blackfoot.


A hippy. An unusually smelly and filthy one with black feet, usually found playing sport without shoes. This breed of hippy seperates itself from the usual breed, liking Nirvana, Metallica, and Ramstein. They often quote things from TV and movies, yet try to pass off the quote as their own. Contact is not encouraged, as the response will most likely be a quote, or a *I'll put this scarf around you as my hippy initiation and pretend like I didn't just touch you at all*
"Put some damn shoes on ya filthy ass Blackfoot!"


to be denied some sort of benefit or positive thing because of one's race; mostly associated with african americans...
"damn i didnt win the election. I got blackfooted by those crackas"

"my paper is an 89.7 but is still a B+. I got blackfooted."

scranton blackfoot

when you wake up from an evening in the hill section and your feet are covered in a combination of dirt, beer, and possibly feces from basement parties
What the hell happened to your feet?

Oh, that's just Scranton blackfoot.

nigel blackfoot

the whitest black kid ever who is huge and has a blackbelt in karate yet is scared of little white kids. from robbinsville new jersey. also has flat feet.
person 1: hey i saw nigel blackfoot today
person 2: ooh that sucks... did he have flat feet?
person 1: yes, and hes black
person 2: whoa

Blackfoot High

1. To forcefully penetrate one's fingers into the unwilling anus of an individual of the same sex and similar age.

2. Similar to 1, but with receiver's cell phone on vibrate. After penetration, individual on giving end calls said victim's inserted phone.

Named for the act for which a handful of Blackfoot High School (Blackfoot, Idaho) athletes were accused and tried.
Dude, I heard he totally Blackfoot Highed that kid. Right on!

If you don't give me back my sandwich, I'm going to Blackfoot High you.

If you Blackfoot High me again, I'm going to go postal.




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