

俚语 verbal dyslexia

Verbal Dyslexia

When you try to say something and you mix the words up or the letters.

Dyslexia with words.

Almost a Tongue Twister
Instead of:

Going outside to have a cigarette.
You say:

Going cigarette to have an outside.

Instead of:

Lets call Jennifer

You say:
Lest call Jeffiner

Sorry, I have verbal dyslexia. Always mixing up my words.

verbal dyslexia

When someone is trying to say a word they know, in their mind, how to pronounce but it comes out wrong.
Tiff: "I'd like a 10 piece wings, nucular."
Laura: " Nuclear!"
Tiff: " Nuclar, Nucular, am I saying it?"
Laura:" NUCLEAR!"
Tiff: "Nuclear!?! I swear I have verbal dyslexia!"

Verbal Dyslexia

Verbal dyslexia is like having dyslexia, but speaking. Mostly happens when your anxious.
Me: *Says something that doesn't sound English*
You: Woah? What was that?
Me: Oh sorry. I have verbal dyslexia.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:21:04