

俚语 black hawk


An exclusive community within the city of Danville, surrounded by turrets meant to keep out the financially undesirable.
Let's go trick or treating in Blackhawk.


The UH-60. The U.S. Army's main transport helicopter. Has variants such as the MH-60, HH-60 "Pavehawk" and the AH-60 Direct Air Penetrator.
Blackhawk Down is an awesome movie which features this helicopter getting shot down.


A town in Danville, CA that is full of gated communites, with huge house, expensive cars, and rich people. A place where people compete about the things they own.
Wow, there is another gated neighborhood.

Are we in Blackhawk?


1.A shortened slang word for an American Army helicopter, seen in the movie Blachawk Down

2.Mysterious man that is good at online games
1. Blachawk down! we need evacuation immediatly

2. I owned j00! (disapears in a puff of smoke)


2010 Stanley Cup winners. Beat the Philadelphia Flyers (4-2 in series) winning the cup on 06/09/10. They're awesome...period.
The Blackhawks pwn everyone.


The act of spinning one's breasts around in circles. Usually done while naked.
That pool party was completely insane. One minute we were all skinny dipping then the next minute Tracy was on the pool deck Blackhawking us!


1) Anything that is down or is going down.
A) Something that is doomed for failure. An action or idea that will lead to catastrophe in the near future. A cluster fuck.
B) Something that is cool, hip, or groovy. esp. Someone that is in touch or on board with a cool activity.
C) A promiscuous female or male. esp. One who readily performs oral sex on others.

2) A badass helicopter that will fuck your day up if you mess with the best.
1.A.) I watched Jake pull out a spray can as he neared the police cruiser, and I knew that the night was about to go totally blackhawk.

1.B.) Yoda turned to me, a packed bowl in his gnarled little hand, and asked "Get down, do you?" That's when I looked at him and said, "Like a blackhawk, baby."

1.C.) I nudged Will as Sheila walked past us and told him, "Go for it dude, she's a total blackhawk." Will responded, "What, you mean she'll suck my dick?" I answered, "Yes, that is exactly what I mean."

2.) I told Chuck Norris he was a chump, and the next thing I know eighteen blackhawk helicopters come out of nowhere dropping ninjas out of the sky. That was a bad day.




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